National College of Art and Design
爱尔兰国立艺术设计学院(National College of Art and Design)起源于1746年一个私人的绘画学校,素描、风景画和建筑制图三个专业贯串整个18世纪,1811年学校规模扩大;1877年改名为都柏林艺术学校,一直从事艺术设计教育。直到1936年成为爱尔兰国立艺术设计学院。
设计系:Ceramics, Glass & Metals Fashion Design Textile Design Industrial Design
Visual Communication
教育系:BA Degree in Art and Design Education Higher Diploma in Art and Design Education Centre for Continuing Education in Art and Design (CEAD)
艺术系:Media Painting Fine Print Sculpture
艺术设计历史及补充研究:Joint Degrees with History of Art and Design
Faculty of Design Faculty of Education Faculty of Fine Art
Faculy of History of Art and Complementary Studies
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